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We are a group of volunteers who want to bring Croatian food, recipes and brands to international visitors and tourists.

We totally depend on our readers and owners when it comes to the new and current vegan products and vegan options in stores, websites and restaurants. We cannot be accountable for any misinformation or wrong description of any product, restaurant etc. Sometimes, brands can change the formulae that was vegan before, but it is not any more. We are unable to check all of the information, so be sure to double check each products, restaurant and store. 

Also, check with the restaurant owners about vegan options in their establishments as sometimes they do not have enough information about the lifestyle and diet, and are known to put cheese, butter, milk or some similar animal-derived ingredient.

We do not claim any of the photos and they are for the promotional purposes only. 

In case you want us to remove you or any information about you from our pages, let us know! 🙂

– vegancro team